News from corn island Nicaragua 2009

Dear friends, We are sorry to inform you that our „Cafe del Mar“ has been closed. It seems, that relief programmes are not welcome on Corn Island , because we and our Cafe had serious problems due to local corruption, nobody was interested in helping us! That is not enough. As our guests were attacked, robbed and 2 of them even got raped by inhabitants, we had no other choice than to close our Cafe on Corn Island . To you, dear friends of Cafe del Mar, We would like to say “Thank you” for the great time we spent together at this beautiful place. Further a big THANK YOU to Fabio Robelo Callejas for his commitment and his big heart.


Big Corn Island



To give you a small overview about the Cafe del Mar, it's important to know, that the 3 J's in the name of Cafe del Mar are meant by the children of Yolanda Downs; Judie, Jonny and Jettie. They have been the reason why we built the Cafe del Mar. We wanted to create a new start for the future of Yolanda and her 3 J's.







Cafe del Mar , that means chill out with a nice sound. If you love music, this is the perfect place for you! For the sunset session you can allways listen to great Cafe del Mar - Chill Out - Sound. Otherwise we always have a big collection of great music, like reggae, house, brazilectro , drum and base, latin rock and pop, salsa and international rock / pop from U2 to Coldplay. Cafe del Mar is near by the sea on a white sandy beach, which is 50 m wide in the dry-time and surrounded by coconut- and mangrove trees.We speak spanish,english and german



This is our beautiful beach !

Thats our 3 J´s Judie , Jonny , Jettie and if you love childeren you have a good place here . Our 3 J's are full of energie and they are always looking for somebody to play with.







Enjoy german farmer`s bred in the middle of nowhere!

We are organizing a nice hiking - tour, called "Bloff Walk" ! The walk takes 1 1/2 hour along a rock coast to reach this beautifull Bloff Beach !










Yolanda is our specialist in the kitchen. For breakfest you can have their well known "Swiss Rösti" with fresh eggs and pancake with homemade jelly. Of course our menu has plenty of other stuff like Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce, Garlic Cream Sauce, Lobster Cream Sauce or Red hot Fish Sauce. We also have Sandwiches, Salads and others fish and lobster Meals. If you have a special wish for your dinner, like Indian chicken coconut curry or a barbeque evening with salads and garlic bred, please order it one day before, so we can make sure that we have everything you like. All the meals cost between 2$ and 6$ and all this only 30 m from the sea. Don't forget that the people on the island are not in a hurry and a lot of time, so bring a little time with you when you come, sit back and relax, don't wait until your hunger starts driving you crazy, you need a little time to wait for your meal, but the wait is worth it!. Between 1:30 pm and 4:30 pm we have a small kitchen break.



Dennis, Jettie and Marc on our well known picnic-centre beach, only 10 minutes to walk from cafè del mar!












January and Febuary we have perfect waves for surfing and bodysurfing . We rent Bodyboards!
Our background for camping and chill out!












In the background you see our hammock-house!





  Don't expect any luxury, the Cafe del Mar was built by the simplest means, but we have 2 toiletts, 2 showers, a wonderfull hammock-house (please bring your own hammock we dont have that many)with space for 12 pers. and a view to the ocean so you also can hear searushing and we also have a hut for you to stay in. There is also a camping ground and if you need a tent we have some to. The price per night is 3 $ per pers. For your valuables we have a safe to keep them in. You can have also simple rooms very close to Cafe del Mar just a 1 min walk away and about 100 m from the beach. There's a nice garden and the rooms from Miss Nelly and Miss June( phone 00505 2855170) cost 10 U$ a night.













Enjoy your dinner with a nice sunset atmosphere.

Our oasis on the beach with an open view to the sea!













Sitting and hanging around in the oasis!


Yolanda on our fireplace and she is preparing our famous "Rondon" (a special caribian meal, it's a kind of soup made with typical local vegetables and seafood). You're always welcome to create your own meal on our fireplace.


Lie in a hammock with a beautiful sunset and listen to chillout sounds,

what else do you need?! feel relaxed, feel great,












Thats our fresh water lagoon, only 2m away from the Cafe del Mar,It´s

a perfect fly fishing spot for Tarpon, Snook, Ladyfish and kind of Black Snapper!











Having a nice coffee in the lagune!

A Tarpon from our lagoon easy to catch with fly.

You can rent fly fishing equipment at our place. We have big school´s of bonefish

right on our beach!






The best boat-driver we have: Captain Bumper and Captain Cente

They take you to blowing rock, snorkeling - ,fishing trips, pearl keys and more.

The 3 little j`s with our boat "Sarah del Mar"


7 Miles from Corn Island you find the "Blowing Rock",

a paradise for diving, snorkeling and fishing!

Our trips are full organized. including full snorkel-or fishing-equipment!

You just have to be there!

Baracudas, Kingfish, Jackfish,what ever you want. At night we do beach fishing for big snappers (up to 50 pounds), sharks, stingrays and more.
Dorado from "Blowing Rock"
"Blowing Rock" under-water-world
99% guarantee to see an Eagle Ray!
Happy People !
Cafe del Mar: You come as a stranger and you go as a friend!
Our white sand beach in the dry season, a perfect place to relax and chill out.
Beautiful long beach, an ideal place for body surfing on the east coast of corn island, 10 minutes by taxi from Cafe del Mar for only US$ 0,80 or you can walk, but it takes you nearly 1 hour to get there. On rough days the waves can be up to 3 m high.

Between Corn Island and the Laguna del las Perlas about 2 hours by boat you find a beautiful Archipelago with about 15 islands, called "Pearl Keys". If you are a group from up to 6 persons, we can organize nice island hopping tours, for snorkelling, fishing and more for 50 $ per Person.We also can take some Camping stuff with us and stay there over night on a small island.


We are always looking for somebody to help us in the kitchen and serving in the cafe, you get free accomadation and can use the kitchen.We also need a couple (for the rain season) from May until November who takes care of cafe del mar, but dont worry you still have sunny day. It's perfect for somebody who wants to read or write a book or just sit back and relax.

Just come and visit us, there is no phone, but in the school "Rigoberto Cabezas" you have internet possibility.